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Svend Bayer
Svend Bayer
SIC_John Bedding
Bedding John
Lincoln Kirby Bell
Kirby Bell Lincoln
Clive Bowen
Contact us for works by this artist
Daniel Boyle
Boyle Daniel
SIC_Nic Collins
Collins Nic
Laura Crosland
Crosland Laura
Kevin de Choisy
A selection of pots now available online
SIC_Paul Dennis
Dennis Paul
Phil Rogers
Rogers Phil
Bridget Drakeford
Drakeford Bridget
Francoise Dufayard
Dufayard Francoise
Sarah Dunstan
Dunstan Sarah
James Erasmus
Erasmus James
Jill Fanshawe Kato
Fanshawe Kato Jill
Alain Fichot
Fichot Alain
Russell Gibbs
Gibbs Russell
SIC_Jane Hamlyn
Hamlyn Jane
Lisa Hammond
Hammond Lisa
Nic Harrison
Harrison Nic
Peter Hayes
Hayes Peter
Niek Hoogland
Hoogland Niek
Pim Van Huisseling
John Jelfs
Jelfs John
Jude Jelfs
Jelfs Jude
Walter Keeler
A selection of pots now available online
Tony Laverick
Laverick Tony
Jeremy Leach
Leach Jeremy
Andrew Marshall
Marshall Andrew
SIC_Sabine Nemet
Nemet Sabine
Jeff Oestreich
Oestreich Jeff
William Plumptre
Plumptre William
Chris Prindl
Prindl Chris
Nick Rees
Rees Nick
Simon Rich
Rich Simon
Susanne Lukacs Ringel
Mike Dodd
Dodd Mike
Alex Shimwell
Shimwell Alex
Peter Swanson
Swanson Peter
Sim Taylor
Taylor Sim
Ruthanne Tudball
Tudball Ruthanne
Kevin Warren
Warren Kevin
Jason Wason
Wason Jason
Joanna Wason
Wason Joanna
Paul Wearing
Wearing Paul
Robin Welch
A selection of pots listed on our CBS site
Hugh West
West Hugh
Kat Wheeler
Wheeler Kat